Friday, January 15, 2010


Hello Everybody! Welcome to the blog that we are using to organize this time of prayer. The schedule can be viewed below. You can sign up for slots either by commenting on the blog (one of the people who know's the password will add you to the chart) or by emailing We are hoping to have 2 or more people praying at all times so feel free to sign up with a friend. The room that we are using is Rm. 522 (Teulon) in University Center. In the evenings at 7:00pm we will be meeting for a small service (we may use a different room in the same hallway if there are lots of people so stay aware). Other than that, have fun and hope to see you in the prayer room.

Note: For those of you who are taking shifts to pray through the night, we have a place where you can sleep after/before your time. Girls can sleep in Rm. 121 Helen Glass (the Navigators Room) and boys can sleep in Rm. 120 Helen Glass (the IVCF room). The codes to get into the rooms will be posted in the prayer room (522 University Center). Please bring your own blankets/sleeping bags and prepare to sleep on the floor if all the couches are taken.

26 Jan19007pm Service
26 Jan2000Justin Chan/Nadine Janzen
26 Jan2100Cydney
26 Jan2200Liz Craig
26 Jan2300Rachel Smith
27 Jan0000Dave Newsom
27 Jan0100 Tim Bock / Ian Froese
27 Jan0200 Julie Kolisnyk
27 Jan0300Amanda Hildebrand / Kierston Moman
27 Jan0400Nicole D.
27 Jan0500Devin Hasanally
27 Jan0600Devin H.
27 Jan0700Janna Dirks
27 Jan0800Kirsten Plett / Janna Plett
27 Jan0900Stephen M. / Michelle B. / Kristin P. / Nadine J.
27 Jan1000Devin Hasanally / Kara Froese (from 1030)
27 Jan1100Eric Nickel / Kara Froese (to 1130)
27 Jan1200Devin Hasanally
27 Jan1300Steffan Reimer
27 Jan1400Julie Kolisnyk
27 Jan1500Jessica Barkwell
27 Jan1600Dean Olfert
27 Jan1700Kendall W. / Erin F. / Jessica B. / Jessica B.
27 Jan1800Tanis Klippenstein
27 Jan19007pm Service
27 Jan2000Archie Hu / Craig Milligan
27 Jan2100Rachel Smith / Sarah M. and friends
27 Jan2200Rachel Roh
27 Jan2300Taylor Winter
28 Jan0000Miriam Schwab
28 Jan0100Nick Wasiuta / Ian Froese
28 Jan0200Dave Newsom
28 Jan0300Tim Bock
28 Jan0400Kirsten Plett / Janna Plett
28 Jan0500Nicole D.
28 Jan0600Devin Hasanally
28 Jan0700Tim Bock
28 Jan0800Janna Dirks / Rachel Smith
28 Jan0900Christa Wilton / Nadine J
28 Jan1000Rachel Wall / Michelle Bergen
28 Jan1100Julie Kolisnyk
28 Jan1200Steffan Reimer
28 Jan1300Miriam Schwab / Taylor W.
28 Jan1400Kristin P. / Devin H (2:30)
28 Jan1500Christa Wilton
28 Jan1600Jessica Bergen
28 Jan1700Julie Kolisnyk
28 Jan1800Eric Nickel/Nick Wasiuta
28 Jan19007pm Service



  1. Hey, Tanis Klippenstein here, i can take january 27th at 1800

  2. My name is Nick Wasiuta, and if it's not been volunteered yet, I'd love to volunteer for 1800 on January 28th.

  3. This is Christa Wilton
    I would love to pray Thursday the 28th at 0900 and 1500

  4. This is Rachel Roh.
    I'd like to pray Wed the 27th, at 22:00

  5. Hey this Rachel Wall I'd like to pray on the 28th at 1000

  6. This is Archie Hu and Graig Milligan.

    We'd love to pray on the 27th at 2000

  7. Sorry about misspelling for Craig's name...

    It's Craig Milligan

  8. Hello, its Kirsten Plett. I can pray at 8am on Jan. 27th.

  9. Hey this is Amanda Hildebrand and Keirston Moman - We will pray at 3:00 on Wednesday the 27th

  10. Nick Wasiuta again, I'll be there Wednesday night, so if I could please be signed up for 0100 Thursday, that would be awesome.
